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作者: 点击数: 时间:2008-09-10


9/6/ 2008


The Association for Canadian Studies in China Newsletter

=>1. 中国加研会第十二届常务理事会第二次会议通报(News on the Second Meeting of the 12thStanding Council of the ACSC










On August 30, 2008, The 12thStanding Council of the ACSC held the second meeting at Shandong University . After discussing they accomplished the following work.

1. Hearing Prof. Feng Jianwen’ s report of the preparation for the 13thbiennial conference of ACSC and the analysis of submitted paper outlines. It was reported that leaders of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics attach importance to the conference to be held at their university and will give large support; the Canadian Studies Centre and Department of Foreign Languages have sufficient preparations and are determined to make the conference the most successful one. The Standing Council expresses thanks to them for their efforts and place high hopes on their success.

Up to now more than 80 Chinese and Canadian scholars and students have been submitted. However, considerable numbers of topics proposed by Chinese scholars fall within the areas of Canadian literature and education while the topics concerning public policies, law, political institution and economy are rarely dealt with. Furthermore, some important Canadian studies centres have not submitted paper outlines. Thus the Standing Council decides to urge these centres to act immediately and encourage scholars submit papers focusing topics in lacking areas so as to use for reference the valuable experience in Canadian governance and social development.

It has been decided that the 13thBiennial Conference adopt practice of making comments on keynote speeches to formalize the conference agenda. A paper examining committee will be established to decide who will be given travel support based on the topic and quality of the paper. The number of registry fee has been fixed and it will be derated to some extent for graduate students according to the financial support acquired by the conference.

The conference will be held on Nov. 7-9, 2008. Nov. 6 is the day forregistering.

2. Deciding on the Scholar Award for Canadian Studies. Through open and plenary discussions the Standing Council selected 10 winners among 14 applicants for in the second round of award. That is 1 winner of first prize, three winners of second prize and 6 winners of third prize. The awarding ceremony will be held at the 13thbiennial conference.

3. Hearing the report on ACSC’s cooperation with Journal of History Teaching for publishing young scholars’ articles on Canadian studies. In order to promote Canadian studies in China the ACSC will continue the cooperation for one year if it can acquire support.

4. Making some amendments to the Charter of ACSC. During the 13thconference the amended Charter will submitted to the Council of ASCS for approval before being passed by the congress.

(Reported by Secretariat of ACSC)

=>2. 关于举办“08’中加民族文化及教育比较国际学术研讨会的相关事宜Notice of International Symposium on Comparative Studies on Chinese and Canadian Ethnologic Cultures and Education Held in December, 2008




In order to promote the studies on Chinese and Canadian ethnologic cultures and expand the exchange between Canadian studies centre in China , Canadian studies centre at Yunan University of Nationalities will hold an International Symposium on Comparative Studies on Chinese and Canadian Ethnologic Cultures and Education in Dali Autonomous Prefecture of Yuan Province in mid-December, 2008. They plan to invite some experts and well-known scholars to the meeting from Canadian studies centres and universities in China , as well as academic institutions in Canada . One or two scholars will be invited from these institutions and expected participants are to be 35 to 40. The topics for discussion are Chinese and Canadian ethnologic cultures, education, literature and bilingual teaching etc.

Please see attached notice and the review of activities conducted by our centre in the past year.

(Reported by Canadian Studies Centre, Yunnan University of Nationality)

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